
How Leadership Team Building Impacts Employee Morale

Published on 02/10/2020 by Jonathan Hazley

As a manager, at one point or another, you may have seen the morale of your workplace fall and the level of productivity decrease, negatively affecting your business. Good leadership skills are an important function of management which helps to maximise efficiency and achieve business goals.

Employee morale can have a major impact on your business productivity and quality of work which will need to be addressed by leaders. Team building activities can be the perfect way to increase morale in the workplace, especially with leadership-based exercises. We look at how employee morale can affect your business and certain activities that might be beneficial for your workforce.

Why Leadership is Important in Business

Having leaders in your workplace usually mean the other business elements don’t lie dormant. Leadership can help increase the productivity in your work environment and achieve the business goals set out, with the opposite hurting the business in the long-term. Communicating with and motivating employees is important as a leader to make sure there is consistent dedication in order to achieve organisational goals.

You also have many different styles and effective ways of producing leadership qualities for your workplace. Many businesses rate the leadership skills of each manager based on levels of strictness and fairness, but this doesn’t hold any weight on which one is more effective than the other. Instead, look at how well each manager does at the end of each goal to rate which one inspires your team more.

Escape the mob collaborative team building

Can Low Employee Morale Affect your Business?

Morale in the workplace is the emotions, attitude, satisfaction and overall outlook of employees during their time in a working environment. This is vital to organisational culture as a positive, collective attitude will create a better working environment for both leaders and employees.

Employee morale cannot be underestimated as it does have a major effect on both your workers and business. The direct impact of morale affects the employee’s well-being, efficiency and the quality of work produced. The higher the morale your employees have, the more productive they are in tasks, allowing them to confidently deliver better results. An employee with higher morale will also show greater loyalty to the company.

If you are looking to improve leadership in your workplace, then a good place to start is looking at team building activities with your employees.

Knowing me Knowing You

How Team Building Can Increase Employee Morale

Team building has become increasingly popular over the last decade, bringing people together by encouraging collaboration and teamwork. These exercises allow people to shine in a different light whilst enjoying a fun and entertaining atmosphere. Team building events get results and build important skills for your employees, such as communication, problem-solving and conflict solution.

The introduction of team-building exercises to your business will see a steady increase in employee morale. As mentioned previously, these exercises bring workers together; some staff might not have had efficient opportunities to get to know other before, and team building events allow for socialisation as well as encouraging employees to work as a team and understand each other better on a personal level. Building relationships alone will improve well-being and creates a fun environment for your employees. In addition, it allows workers to relieve stress from ongoing projects and clear their mind, which can be a contributing factor to lower morale in the workplace.

Escape the Maze collaborative team building

Keep reading to see some leadership team building activities you could organise to increase employee morale:

Types of Leadership Team Building Activities

We offer a variety of office games and icebreakers to ease the tension between managers and employees. Knowing Me Knowing You is a light-hearted, ice breaker games that lasts up to an hour and encourages team members to network and build relationships by finding common ground between individuals.

For building on and improving leadership skills, our team building games Escape the Maze and Beat the Box take leadership team building to the next level.

Escape the Maze sees teams navigate the real world to escape a virtual maze that is shown on their tablet device. Teamwork and communication are key, but without a keen and charismatic leader, teams might see themselves veering off in wrong directions and taking shortcuts that can lead to negative consequences for the team...

Beat the Box is another collaborative team building event that will have groups of employees working independently and together to get to the centre of an intriguing locked metal box. Teams have to work against the clock and effectively share information while accepting individual responsibility and exploring efficient conflict resolution.

Looking for team building activities for your employees to gain and build upon leadership skills? Here at Catalyst Team Building, we have plenty of different activities and team building games to explore - from problem-solving under pressure to improving collaborative cultures.

Explore our available team building activities here or get in touch with our friendly team who will be happy to help you arrange the perfect team building event for your staff.

Jonathan Hazley

Director General de Team Challenge Company

Apasionado por la creación, el diseño y la entrega de programas de team building únicos para el desarrollo de los equipos para negocios en todo el Reino Unido.

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