Team Investigation Remote

Solve the mysterious murder of a famous footballer

1.5 - 2 hours
Competitive / Collaborative
4 - Unlimited


In Team Investigation , remote teams slip into detective mode to consider a case riddled with celebrities, bribery and power relations. The multifaceted evidence including, newspaper articles, videos and other clues is presented via an online portal. Teams tackle each unknown in short, time-boxed sprint cycles. In each sprint, participants research a specific strand of evidence, come back together, identify possible motives, and connect links to inform the next sprint. Teams have 90 minutes to consider the evidence and submit their investigation form. Their case notes must include the possible motives of each suspect and reveal the identity of the perpetrator.

Learning Outcomes

Team Investigation reflects a real-world scenario where investigative teams must analyse available information and develop findings and conclusions. The interactive gameplay and volume of information require teams to build a clear strategy in which each individual has specific roles and responsibilities in assessing and assimilating the evidence. In Team Investigation, gamification integrates gaming elements, incentive mechanics, rule structure, and feedback systems to motivate people to engage, and observe their behaviour, ultimately leading to behavioural change. Through gameplay, participants sharpen their remote team skills, particularly critical thinking, problem-solving, collaborative decision-making, and measuring success as a team.

remote team building

Actividad de equipos remotos

Esta actividad ha sido diseñada para personas que trabajan de forma remota. ¡Tu equipo puede estar trabajando desde casa, en diferentes ubicaciones de oficinas regionales o en diferentes países! ¿Te encanta el tema pero quieres una solución cara a cara o híbrida? Ponte en contacto para averiguar cómo podemos personalizar esta experiencia para tu equipo.

web or app

Programas de Team Building a distancia, basados en plataforma web y en aplicación para dispositivos móviles.
¿Sabías que ofrecemos actividades tanto en la web como en la app? Pregúntanos qué programas remotos se adaptan a tus necesidades!

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