Blockbusters - Remote

Create a movie trailer with your remote team

1.5 - 3 hours
Competitive / Collaborative
4 - Unlimited


BlockBusters Remote challenges participants to translate company business messages, core values or brand into dynamic, attention-grabbing movie trailers. After a short group briefing on Zoom, teams of 3-5 pax head into breakaway groups. Teams brainstorm a storyline for their movie. They produce a storyboard of 6-10 scenes and choose a soundtrack. Teams, then capture the scenes on their phones or tablets and upload them. Our editors receive them in real-time and under the guidance of the team assemble their Oscar-winning movie.

Like this product? Check out Blockbusters live, hybrid and multi-location.

Learning Outcomes

Participants learn that with the right approach, physical separation is no barrier to meaningful collaboration and high-quality output. Each team must employ forethought, planning and expert execution to make their storyboard relevant to the theme. Participants step out of their comfort zone, acting, script writing and filming, juggling multiple roles. Each person is responsible for producing their part and ensuring deadlines and quality standards are met. Communication skills are enhanced as they collaborate with team members and event facilitators to ensure the edit of their film is as they desire.

remote team building

Actividad de equipos remotos

Esta actividad ha sido diseñada para personas que trabajan de forma remota. ¡Tu equipo puede estar trabajando desde casa, en diferentes ubicaciones de oficinas regionales o en diferentes países! ¿Te encanta el tema pero quieres una solución cara a cara o híbrida? Ponte en contacto para averiguar cómo podemos personalizar esta experiencia para tu equipo.

web or app

Programas de Team Building a distancia, basados en plataforma web y en aplicación para dispositivos móviles.
¿Sabías que ofrecemos actividades tanto en la web como en la app? Pregúntanos qué programas remotos se adaptan a tus necesidades!

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