Teams construct and decorate a dog house for charity
In Barkitecture teams are equipped with a tool kit and building materials. Each team must utilise time and resources effectively to design and build a unique dog house. Teams participate in a series of competitions to win decorative extras like paint and patios.
Once complete, the dog houses are put on show. Prizes can be awarded for categories like the ‘most creative dog house’ and ‘most team spirit’. Completed dog houses can be given to the local animal rescue association or another worthy cause.
Teams must identify the skills of each individual and apply project management techniques so that design, decoration, planning and construction are completed within a given time frame and with limited resources. Synapses fire completing tasks that are outside their day to day routine. Barkitecture is a great way to motivate people and increase engagement through a memorable shared giving experience.
The dog houses your team produce can be given away to dog adoption agencies or, can be auctioned with the proceeds going to an animal shelter.
La gestión necesaria del proyecto aseguró que todos estuvieran involucrados y centrados en la tarea que tenían entre manos. La gente utilizó sus diversas habilidades, desde la madera hasta la decoración creativa. Fue muy divertido. Todos estaban contentos de que sus esfuerzos fueran a una buena causa.