+1 787 558 1496
Ritmos del Mundo
Una celebración de los ritmos, trajes y bailes entretenida que celebra el multiculturalismo.
Robot Revolution
Teams have fun and get creative building and coding robots to complete a series of collaborative tasks.
Seconds Away
Secunds Away es un divertido juego de mesa que pone a prueba el conocimiento de producto y desarrolla las habilidades en ventas de los participantes
Sensación Salchicha
Revela los matices de la fabricación de salchichas al hacer que los equipos hagan su manjar regional.
Situation Room
Teams must balance speed with accuracy in assessing real time information to reveal the WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, and WHO in regards to a developing Situation.
Soccer Nations
GPS trail to exploring team dynamics and collective decision-making while discovering World Cup soccer countries' cuisine, culture, and facts.
Sound Crowd
Act out scenarios to find your team mates in a hilarious silent disco style game.
Squad Game
Squad Game is a series of exciting challenges that explore individual responsibility and contribution in high performing teams.
Summit Challenge
A creative and active team building activity where teams attempt to summit a virtual mountain successfully.
Summit Challenge Online
An interactive, multiplayer scenario-based activity where teams attempt to summit a virtual mountain successfully.
¡Complicados retos de aventura al aire libre a veces en el medio de la nada!
Team Investigation Remote
Delve into the high-level corruption and mysterious death of a famous football player.
Team Wellbeing
A fun engaging team activity designed to assist in improving teams’ ability to adapt to frequent change to develop a human skills and to create a culture of continuous learning.
Team Wellbeing Online
Fun engaging team activity designed to assist in improving teams ability to adapt to frequent change and to create a culture of continuous learning.
Thai Traders
Gather information, network and build trust to maximise your returns.